"Developing Wisdom & Skillful Means"

June 26th - July 2nd, 2020
$795 by May 26th
$895 after May 26th
We will learn to direct energy up the central channel to stabilize meditation as a natural state. Deity practices assist us in unveiling our compassionate, skillful and limitless being. The teachings show us that the objective world is fluid rather than solid, and karma is a choice from which we can be released by a turn of the mind.
Course Curriculum :
Yogic Movements: Wake-up Exercises & Gyrokinesis
Feldenkrais Method/Awareness Through Movement
Orientation Exercises: Self Observation & Adjustments
Philosophy & Study Group of Zen Mind Beginners Mind
Anatomy: Emotions & Nervous System
Mantras of Acceptance
Meditation: Dance & RudraFlo
Healing: Hawaiian Energetics & Healing Clinic
Costs Include:
Course Instruction
Vegetarian Meals with Meat Options
Healing Sessions
Questions? Contact our Registrar at rudrayogainfo@gmail.com
Arrive Evening of Day 1
6:00pm Guest Arrivals & Registration & Dinner
7:30 Group Orientation to Facilities & Schedule
8:00 Class
9:30 Rest
Day 2 - 6
6:15am Wake-up Exercises
7:00 Morning Practice
9:00 Seva
9:30 Breakfast & Healing Clinic & Healing Sessions
11:00 Class
1:00pm Lunch & Spa/Hike & Healing Sessions
4:00 Class
6:00 Dinner & Healing Sessions
7:30 Evening Practice & Celebration
9:30 Rest
Day 7
6:15am Wake-up Exercises
7:00 Morning Practice
9:00 Pack up
9:30 Breakfast & Seva
11:00 Class
1:00pm Lunch & Seva
2:00 Closing Circle : Share experiences; Announcement of RY Follow-up date and next RY course date; Final short practice
4:00 Departure