The Resident Tribe held a gathering to celebrate Earth Day with an evening Cacao Ceremony followed by a work day on various Permaculture projects around Liberty Arising. We love work, we love community and we love prayer. So much of what we have become as a community is a celebration of these things. With every gathering, with every day, we move closer to being in a continuous state of harmony with this land and all the beings seen and unseen that we steward.
In the cacao ceremony, we explored how we can invoke the living experience of compassion and right relationship in our lives. Right relationship is about more than the resources we use. It’s about more than the give and take of energy between people or groups. It’s a state of being that expresses itself as a fractal throughout our lives.
On Sunday we gathered to work on various projects, including the construction of a composting worm bin, planting herb gardens in old tree stumps, the distribution of humanure compost to our beloved oak trees, and clean up around our chicken coop.
We sang, we danced, we gathered, we worked and we prayed. The union of the sacred and the mundane by bringing our love through our hands and feet into the land, singing our song of joy with our voices for the world to hear.